How to Point Your Domain To My Host From GoDaddy
Want to learn how to point your domain to my host from Godaddy? This is a step-by-step walkthrough to help clients point their domain to Winston’s host so he can start working on your website. This is only designed for clients that have purchased their domains with GoDaddy. Contact Winston if you bought your domain using another service.
Step 1. Login to your Godaddy account and click on “My Products”.
Step 2. Go to the domain you are using to point to Winston’s host, click the 3 dots in the right corner of the white box that has the domain, and click on “Manage DNS”.
Step 3. Click on “Nameservers” then, Click on “Change Namerservers”.
Step 4. Click on “I’ll use my own nameservers”.
Step 5. Click on “Add Nameservers” until you see a total of 4 slots.
Step 6. Add “” to nameserver 1, “” to nameserver 2, “” to nameserver 3, “” to nameserver 4 and click “Save”.
You have successfully updated your nameservers!
Send Winston an email letting him know you have completed this step so he can start work on your website!